12050 Woodward Avenue
Highland Park, MI 48203-3578

- Chief Elections Officer for the City of Highland Park
- Clerk to the City Council
- Custodian of all official records & Keeper of City Seal
The objectives of the Clerk’s office are to provide professional and accurate information with courtesy and respect. Additionally, information requested outside the realm of the Clerk’s office will be disseminated to the appropriate department and/or agency.
24/25 Budget
- Absentee Ballot Application
- Business License Application
- Click here to Pay Online
- NEW Business Income Tax Information
- City Charter ($5) (electronic version available under Government)
- Council Agendas and Minutes (view or print agendas and/or minutes from 2012 and later; go to Reference, Agendas and Minutes, City Council)
- Copies of City Ordinances ($1 per page)
- Dog License: To obtain a dog license, residents must provide a current shot record and photo of the dog. Cost is $25 per dog or $50 if obtained after February. Online Dog License Application (First time users must register/create an account using a valid email address) ($3 on-line credit/debit card service fee).
- Election Information
- Election Inspector Application
- Event Application
- Fireworks Application
- Notary Services ($10)
- Parade Application ($10)
- Park Listing
- Precinct/District & Polling Location Map
- Property Owner Permission Letter
- Street Closing Request Form
- Vending License Application
- Voter Registration Application
Birth Certificates for persons born in Highland Park may be obtained through the Wayne County Clerk's Office or the State of Michigan:
Wayne County Clerk’s Office
400 Monroe 6th Floor
Detroit, MI 48226
(313) 967-6938
State of Michigan
Vital Records Office
P.O. Box #30721
Lansing, MI 48909
(517) 335-8666